We made for Aberlour for the usual coffee and cake afterwards, then Jenny insisted on going down to the swinging bridge. As im not one for bridges i stayed with my feet firmly on the riverbank. This bridge crosses the river spey. Too scary for me!!!!!

We met up with Sue, Jenny and Ria and 7dogs this time. We decided on Ben Aigen.
Its a lovely hill set in the Spey Valley with some spectacular views, however today it was overcast and raining. There is a good walk up through the forest and plenty of scope for the dogs to run about. It is shared with mountain bikers on their Monster Trails though some of them looked quite steep and quite rough terain. We would have made it to the top of Ben Aigen but we hit a diversion and it meant the alternative route would take us a lot longer than we would have hoped. But we got up to the mast which sits just along side.